The CCAP SMART Centre offers the following activities. Feel free to contact us in case you are interested in one of these:
Trainings on:
- Rope pump principles and installation/maintenance
- Rope pump production
- Manual drilling (SHIPO drilling, Mzuzu drilling)
- Safety during well construction
- Maintenance of hand pumps (Afridev/MarkV/Canzee/etc.)
- Wire-cement tank construction
- Installation of electrical (solar) pumps and solar panels
- Low cost apron fabrication
- Low cost sanitation (latrines / slabs)
- Introduction to low cost technologies
- Accounting and business skills
- Marketing
- Use of computer to improve the business
- Groundwater recharge (3R)
Project guidance and management:
- Guidance of construction and installation of (multiple) wells
- Installation of solar powered pumps and tank systems
- Monitoring and quality assurance
WASHshop with a stock of:
- Quality PVC fittings
- Filters (Tulip and Sawyer)
- Flappers (SatoPan)
Demonstration ground with SMARTechs