As many people know by now, water and hygiene are two essential factors in preventing the spread of COVID-19. In most African countries, the virus has just started spreading, which is why it’s important to act now.
Sharing knowledge
The SMART Centre Group has gathered various affordable hygiene solutions and made a brochure. This way we hope to spread information on these solutions and share our knowledge with anyone who is looking for a simple solution aiming to slow down the spreading of the coronavirus.
SMART Hygiene Solutions
Do you want to know how to make African soap, access information on good hand washing practices or see other examples of hygiene solutions? Please click the button below to download the SMART Hygiene Solutions Brochure.
The CCAP SMART Centre Malawi, in collaboration with the SMART Centre Group, is organizing a short course on low-cost Water and Sanitation Technologies with a focus on Self-supply.
The course
The training will be given by specialists with 5 to 30 years of experience in rural water supply including Mr. Mzumala, who has drilled over 300 wells and Henk Holtslag, senior advisor of the SMART Centre Group. The training will include the demonstration of technologies like the SHIPO, Mzuzu and EMAS drilling, a range of 8 different hand and solar pumps, household water filters, latrines and the production of various parts.
For who?
The training is for WASH advisors of NGOs, Government Officials and those with general interest in learning more about technologies and approaches that can help to reach SDG 6 and other water related SDGs like poverty, food security & employment. The focus will be on solutions for households, farmers and small communities. Please note that the number of trainees is limited to 15.
The objectives
Create awareness on SMARTechs. Simple, Market-based, Affordable, Repairable Technologies for Water and Sanitation.
Create awareness on the existence and experiences of innovative approaches like supported Self-supply, Well Clubs and Faith & Waterthat can help in rural development.
Discuss ideas on how to scale supply chains of low-cost water technologies, which are applicable for families, small scale irrigation and communal supply in remote rural communities.
When: Monday 8 June – Friday 12 June 2020
Where: SMART Centre Malawi, Luwinga, Mzuzu
Want to know more?
Click below for more information, such as the training fees and the modules.
Please note the Short Course on Self-supply Technologies has been postponed until further notice, due to the spreading of COVID-19. Thank you for understanding. If you’re interested in the course and would like to stay up-to-date on when the course will be held, please contact us. We will then message you in the future when further information is available.
SimonePostponed until further notice – Short course on Self-supply Technologies
The only way to provide water for all, to a growing population in developing countries, is to capacitate the same people to solve that problem. EMAS and SMART Centres have been training and guiding small-scale entrepreneurs in developing countries for many years. Trained entrepreneurs now supply affordable water technologies to communities and households in over 20 countries serving more than 2 million people.
Mutual goals
EMAS and
SMARTechnologies are complimentary and the organisations share the same
philosophy towards sustainable development. Our mutual goal is to establish
supply chains of Market-based, Affordable and Replicable technologies that are
also fit for households (Self-supply). By joining forces SMART Centres and EMAS
will increase the number of small water enterprises, make them more robust and
offer a larger variety of technologies and services to their customers.
We believe that investing in capacity building creates the conditions for sustainable and rural water supply.